Camille Roth

Chercheur.e statutaire

Directeur de recherche au CNRS, Directeur d’études à l’EHESS (chaire "Sciences sociales computationnelles"), HDR Centre d'analyse et de mathématique sociales Directeur du CAMS

My research lies at the interface between social and computational sciences, around keywords such as social network analysis, complex system modeling, socio-semantic networks, mathematical sociology, sociology of the internet, social cognition, algorithmic society, qual-quant approaches, natural language processing, automated information extraction, graphs and hypergraphs.

Institutionally, I have been navigating between both areas as well: I have been holding a research professorship at CNRS since 2008 (“chercheur CNRS” i.e., tenured without teaching duties) in computer science while I also had a couple of tenured university positions in sociology, at Sciences Po as Associate Professor (“professeur”, 2016-18) and in Toulouse as Assistant Professor (“maître de conférences”, 2007-08) – see my resume for the specifics and the background.

I founded in 2012 and currently lead the Computational Social Science Team at Centre Marc Bloch in Berlin, a CNRS unit abroad which is additionally affiliated with the Humboldt Universität. Please check my team’s website for further information on our collective activity.

Since September 2023 I am member of the  CAMS (CNRS/EHESS), and I have been elected "Directeur d'Etudes Cumulant" (Professor) at the EHESS.

Since March 2024, I am head of CAMS.